A3 Hypermedia REST-API:

There and back again

Beginning: Fuzzy User Stories:

  • a2 features
  • innovative text collaboration
  • all that we dream of

Beginning: Challenging Technical Requirements:

  • distributed or external resources
  • versioning with branches/merges
  • complex semantic statements
  • polices how to updated statements if resource has new version
  • easy to extend/customize
  • scalable/good performance

Realisation: prototype used in productions

Realisation: conceptual open questions

Realisation: "hypermedia" api?

  • Server API provides machine and human readable defintion how to interact
  • Client explores API follwoing hypermedia links

Our API instead:

  • mixed with "Developers knows how to interact with the API"
  • missing features (like order properties, search, usable traversal, ...)
  • not used features (like generated UI based on resource sheets, ...)

Realisation: API for implementation not for Users

  • search queries instead instead of hypermedia api links (traversal)
  • needless coupling frontend/backend
  • complex data structure/api
  • no standards for data formats/types/semantic
  • missing/complex documentation
  • support substanced admin application
  • many many requests needed

users: our frontend, third party (Daten werden bleiben, implentierung wird wechseln) (mehrere anfragen von scientis, externen developers (resource type/sheet names are generated from python interface) (frontend need to know alot how to use the API)

Resource Data

"content_type": "adhocracy_mercator.resources.mercator.IMercatorProposalVersion",
"path": "https://.../api/mercator/KITCHEN_ONTHERUN.COOK-EAT-SHARE2589/VERSION_0000005/"
        "title": "KITCHEN ON THE RUN. COOK - EAT - SHARE!"
        "creation_date": "2015-04-11T10:35:04.593416+00:00",
        "deleted": "false",
        "creator": "https://.../api/principals/users/0005151/",
                "post_pool": "https://.../api/mercator/KITCHEN_ONTHERUN.COOK-EAT-SHARE2589/comments/"

Get comments with search:

versions = get \
comment_versions_search = get \
    versions[0]."adhocracy_core.sheets.comment.IComment".post_pool + /resource_type=ICommentVersion\
    + versions[0]
comment_versions = comment_versions_search."adhocracy_core.sheets.pool.IPool".elements

=> works, only 2 requests, but frontend needs to know alot, backend implementation is no very scalable

Get comments with traversal:

process = get \
item = process.elements[0]
version = get \
comment_versions_paths = proposalversion."adhocracy_core_sheets.comment.IComment".comments
comment_versions = [get comment_version_path[0] if it is last version, ...] How to do this??

=> works somehow, many request needed, frontend needs to know less, backend implementation is better scalable

Restart: API for Users (frontend, third-party, scientists)

  • hypermedia REST API (partly done)
  • simplify data structure / API
  • decouple frontend / backend (partly done)
  • better scalability / performance
  • distributed or external resources
  • autogenerated forms in frontend (partly done)
  • autogenerated documentation for human / machines
  • use standards

Simplify data structure

  • no resource sheets (not in backend implementation)
  • no 'data', field
  • native json types (string, bool, integer, float)
  • ...

"creation_date": "2015-04-11T10:35:04.593416+00:00",
"deleted": False,
"creator": "https://.../api/principals/users/0005151/",


"comments_post_pool": "https://.../api/mercator/KITCHEN_ONTHERUN.COOK-EAT-SHARE2589/comments/"

Simplify API

  • backreference only 'last' versions of resources
  • calculate 'comments_count', 'rates_count', ... in backend

"creation_date": "2015-04-11T10:35:04.593416+00:00",
"deleted": False,
"creator": "https://.../api/principals/users/0005151/",

"comments_count": 1,
"comments": [
"comments_post_pool": "https://.../api/mercator/KITCHEN_ONTHERUN.COOK-EAT-SHARE2589/comments/"

Simplify API

  • reference to backrefernce listing instead of listing inline (example "comments", "likes")
  • remove post_pool property use reference to listing instead (example "comments", "likes")
  • pools may use batching to limit large listings (example users/comments/rates pools)
"comments_count": 1,
"comments": "https://.../api/mercator/KITCHEN_ONTHERUN.COOK-EAT-SHARE2589/comments/\

Simplify API: get comments with traversal

process = get /process/
item  = get process.elements[0]
proposal_version = get proposal.LAST
comment_versions = proposal_version.comments

or more improved:

process = get /process/
comment_versions  = process.elements[0].comments

=> easy

Simplify API

image = get proposalversion.image_thumbnail

Use Standard: JSON-Linked-Data

  • "JSON": Basic data format
  • "Linked Data": Graph of machine interpretable data across different Web sites.
  • augment exiting API possible

Use Standard: JSON-Linked-Data

metadata, persons, organisations, locations,
thesauri,  comments, ratings, actions, social activity/event stream,
blockchain, ...

Resource Represenation: Compact

implicit mapping properties to semantic vocabularies, property types (@context link)

"@context": "https://api/contexts/ProposalVersion.jsonld",
"@type": ["ItemVersion", "ProbposalVersion"]
"@id": "https://.../api/mercator/Welcome_Back1194/",


"creation_date": "2015-04-11T10:35:04.593416+00:00",
"deleted": False,
"creator": "https://.../api/principals/users/0005151/",

get @context:

"@context": {
    "ProposalVersion": "https://api/vocab#ProposalVersion",
    "title": {@id: "http://purl.org/dc/term/title/"
              @type: "http://ww.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string"},
    "deleted": {@id: "https://api/vocab#deleted"
    "creation_date": {@id: "http://purl.org/dc/term/created/"
                      @type: "http://ww.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#date"},
    "creator": {@id: "http://purl.org/dc/term/created/"
                @type: @id"},


property types describes the allowed values, resource types do not define allowed propoerties

Resource Represenation: Compact with namespaces

explicit mapping to vocabularies with namespace (example 'dc' = DubilCore)

"@context": "https://api/contexts/ProposalVersion.jsonld",
"@type": ["ItemVersion", "ProbposalVersion"]
"@id": "https://.../api/mercator/Welcome_Back1194/",


"dc:created": "2015-04-11T10:35:04.593416+00:00",
"deleted": False,
"dc:creator": "https://.../api/principals/users/0005151/",

get @context:

"@context": {
    "ProposalVersion": "https://api/vocab#ProbposalVersion",
    "dc": "http://purl.org/dc/term/title/"
    "dc:title": {@type: "http://ww.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string"},
    "deleted": {@id: "https://api/vocab#deleted"
    "dc:created": {@type: "http://ww.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#date"},
    "creator": {@type: @id},


Resource Representaion: Extended

Normalised data representation with semantic vocabularies and property types

"@type": ["https://api/vocab#ItemVersion", "https://api/vocab#ProbposalVersion"]
"@id": "https://../api/mercator/Welcome_Back1194/",

"http://purl.org/dc/term/title/": [{
          @type: "http://ww.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string",
          @value: "KITCHEN ON THE RUN. COOK - EAT - SHARE!"}],
"https://api/vocab#deleted": [{
          @value: False}],
"http://purl.org/dc/term/created/": [{
          @type: "http://ww.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#date",
          @value: "2015-04-11T10:35:04.593416+00:00"}],

Use Standard: HYDRA

  • JSON-LD vocabulary for Hypermedia REST-APIs
  • Data Model with resource classes and depending properties
  • Collection/Partial-Collection types to list resources
  • extendable
  • Hydra console: browse API, generic operations

json-ld alone is only for semantic/value types. It has a open world concept != closed world like other standards. Thats why HYDRA adds classes (RDF-Schema like data model).

Describes client / server interaction:

  • operations: how to read, create, replace, delete, search resources
  • properties: required/readable/writable, expected data values
  • references may define operations for target resource
  • search query templates
  • server responses
  • UI information: order properties

General API-Documentation:

  "@context": "https://api/contexts/api.jsonld",
  "@type": "ApiDocumentation",
  "@id": "http://api/vocab",
  "title": ....
  "description": ...
  "supportedClass": [
    ... Classes known to be supported
  "possibleStatus": [
    ... Statuses that should be expected
"@type": "Class",
"@id": "https://api/vocab#Process",
"title": "Participation process",
"supportedProperty": [
  ... properties known to be supported by the class
    "@type": "SupportedProperty",
    "property": "https://api/vocab#deleted",
    "required": true,
    "range": bool,
"supportedOperations": [
  ... possible operations
    "@type": "edit_process",
    "method": "PUT",
    "expects": {
      "@id": "Process",
      "supportedProperty": [
          ... override property definitions
    "returns": "Process",
    "possibleStatus": [ ]... Statuses that should be expected

Properties with references as value may define the target operations:

"@id": "http://api/vocab#comments",
"@type": "Link",
"title": "Comments",
"range": "CommentsCollection",
"supportedOperation": [
    "@type": "CreateCommentOperation",
    "method": "POST",
    "expects": "http://api/vocab/#Comment",
    "returns": "http://api/vocab/#Comment",
    "@type": "RetrieveCommentsOperation",
    "method": "GET",
    "expects": null,
    "returns": "CommentsCollection",

If no operations are available for the target resource, the link property is not shown.

The bright future:

  • hypermedia rest api (done, discussion and maybe extensions needed)
  • simplify data structure / API (mostly done, Versioning?)
  • decouple frontend / backend (done)
  • better scalability / performance (done, much less requests)
  • distributed or external resources (done, conceptually)
  • autogenerated forms frontend possible (done)
  • autogenerated documentation for human / machines (done)
  • use standards (done)

How to get there?

  • improve exiting API to make current projects work
  • add new API based on JSON-LD/Hydra
  • rewrite frontend for new projects

Appendix: Hypermedia REST API Links

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